Director's Desk

 About Us / Director's Message

Let me take this chance to offer my genuine congrats to the greater part of our benefactors, business accomplices, companions and well wishers.

Through a constant momentous voyage subsequent to 1990, Jay Khodiyar Industries has ended up one of the quickest developing gathering of organizations in India. Actually, this gathering is the pathfinder in Hydraulic and Engine component for on road and off road vehicle.

I Mr. Bipin the fantasy of "A World of Peace" – I am sure that our Endeavour for accomplishing the mission of Jay Khodiyar Inddutries and confidence in the ability will drive the objective towards another world. We might want to guarantee you with our persistent administration for untouched to come.

At the end of the day, I compliment just for the commitment, collaboration and develop my all the best for a superior future.

Director :
Mr. Bipin Vaghasiya